Following our series of Open House in Pakistan, this will be our second event, where team Chakor will showcase the business/investment potential of the business tower. Considering the prospect investors and realtors in Peshawar, we are presenting our project on 10th of January, at Jasmine Hall, Shiraz Arena between 2 pm to 7pm.
This series will continue until Chakor ventures to secure interest from buyers around the country; the number selection of the cities are catered by our sales team. The team measures the interest threshold of the prospects, based on the data gathered, and then design the next station.
The primary objective behind our open houses is to open the doors to the opportunity to meet prospects (face to face), establish relationships with them, and expand our real estate clientele.
The guest of honor of this Open House will be the leaders of the business community, some government officials, and a couple of notable trading members of Peshawar.
Other attendees of the event were the individual investors of Peshawar.