Pakistan celebrates “Pakistan Resolution Day,”– A reminder of national unity and solidarity, on March 23rd every year. This date marks a momentous event that occurred 85 years back on the same date. This day occurred to confirm the cemented formation of a Muslim-majority nation-state in South Asia.
We as a nation celebrate this day with much excitement, pomp, and circumstances marking historical vows that helped the formation of Pakistan, the first independent Muslim country in South Asia. On this Republic day, the army hosts flags on important remarkable spots; the skies are full of colors of freedom and celebration. Pakistan Air Force demonstrates many flying crafts, and an annual military parade is held.
As an independent country, Pakistan has undoubtedly faced innumerable struggles and challenges throughout history to achieve independence. Still, we as a nation always remember to celebrate this Resolution Day, reminding us how we got this pure land.
Ideology of Pakistan Day
We celebrate it with sentiments and zeal and, importantly, remind ourselves and young generations about the sacrifices made by our forefathers to achieve this land. Educate them that they have to work hard, be loving, caring, and devoted to the betterment of this country. They, too, must promise to take care of Pakistan with honesty and faithful intentions toward protection, safety, growth, and a better future for Pakistan.
We remind ourselves that yet modern India is harsh and not friendly with Muslims living there, so how difficult and impossible it would have been in the past for our forefathers to sacrifice the lives of their beloved ones and shade blood of their friends, family to gain Pakistan so that today we could live freely, take a breath of relief, practice our fundamental rights without any hurdle or stoppage. Pakistan Resolution Day informs us about our freedom to live and let live. It is the most outstanding achievement that a nation could get on the globe.
Historical Context of Pakistan Resolution Day

This day is important because it laid the foundations for the separate nation for the Muslims of the Subcontinent. Subcontinent was under the Rule of the British Empire for almost two centuries. The Muslim leaders realized that the Muslim nation was considered a minority and was not given fundamental rights for survival as a nation.
They were subject to restrictions on social, religious, and cultural rights. They were always emotionally, morally, and financially leading to discrimination compared to Hindus living in India.
The great Muslim philosopher, poet, social activist Allama Iqbal, and the founder of Pakistan, was well aware of the fact that Muslims won’t be able to fight for their rights and would not be able to protect themselves against brutal atrocities implanted by Hindus so they need to be independent once British Rule ends.
In 1940, at a conference held at Lahore, Mohammad Ali Jinnah awoke the Muslims by declaring a heartfelt wish and demanding a separate independent Muslim State from British Raj. They highlighted that Muslims and Hindus have entirely different cultural and religious beliefs and ideologies. They cannot live together on one land. They demanded a separate political- and socio-economic system as per their needs.
The Muslims, after marking of Pakistan Resolution, went to get themselves registered as a Muslim majority nation having distinct cultural, religious, and political features in front of British Rulers.
The Lahore Resolution was the most essential and first foremost step towards the formation of Pakistan and its independence in the future from the British and Hindu Raj in August 1947. Finally, it came on the map as “The world’s first Islamic Republic.”
How Shall We Observe Pakistan Resolution Day
We, the Muslim nation of Pakistan, have a number of responsibilities towards our motherland Pakistan. It is not just about commemorating the day with celebrations of taking a day off and hosting Flag but making a promise to ourselves and this pure land gained with sacrifice and blood shade of ancestors to work for its bright future.
Not only this, also will save it from any difficulty, harm, and wrong intentions of enemies. We as a nation should be united under one roof and our beautiful Flag by respecting each other’s ideologies, as Pakistan is the land of pure, independent people.
Hence we as a nation have the following responsibilities to consider.
- Hoisting national Flag
- Witness the Parade
- Watch the Patriotic TV Shows highlighting ancestor’s blood shade sacrifices.
Apart from this, some of the particular facts of Pakistan Resolution day are listed below.
- Lahore Resolution is later named as Pakistan Resolution.
- This Resolution was passed after three consecutive days, from March 22nd to March 24th, 1940.
- Minar-e- Pakistan was built here at Resolution spot as an honorary spot.
- The contents of the Resolution Day are carved on the Minar-e-Pakistan.
- Pakistan’s first constitution was also passed on this same day in 1956, March 23rd.
We as a nation should realize the importance of our country while celebrating and marking this date, March 23rd, as our first day of Resolution to the idea that we need independence from other rulers. We should remind ourselves of the hardships, difficulties, and real lives sacrificed for our today’s peaceful life that we are living.
We should make our Resolution to protect our motherland, Pakistan, founded after these great massacres and hurdles. Also, we should work for a better future of this land of pure Pakistan.