Eid-ul-Adha 2024
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Whoever desires to meet his lord, he should do good deeds and not associate anyone in the worship of his Lord – Quran 18:110

We Muslims around the globe celebrate two important religious festivals that are marked on our lunar calendars. These two special days are Eid’s in Islam: Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha. These Eid’s are also referred to as Meethi Eid and Bakra Eid. The second Eid is celebrated after the performance and commencement of Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam. Eid-ul-Adha is completed with the sacrifice of an animal as a significant remembrance of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S), pure devotion, and submission in the way of Allah almighty.

Eid-ul-Adha celebration teaches us the concept of sacred sacrifice done by the forefather of Prophet Muhammad, Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S). This Bakra Eid reminds us to have firm faith in Allah al-mighty no matter the circumstances or situation, as Allah al-mighty never leaves his followers and righteous ones astray. 

Those who believe in the Almighty and his blessings will never be left alone to suffer but will remain prosperous and at peace. Eid brings unity, prosperity, blessings, cultural diversification, and equality to the Muslim Ummah.

Eid ul Adha Explained What Makes This Festival Special

Eid ul Adha is a unique festival – that differs from the rest of the festivals observed by the Muslim Ummah. The observance dates depend on the moon’s lunar dates. Muslims diligently follow Prophet Muhammad(S.AW) and his various Sunnah acts, which are the means to worship and obey Allah.

Bakra Eid: Embracing The Spirit of Sacrifice

Bakra Eid is all about embracing the spirit of sacrifice asked for by Allah, being kind, helpful, and a source of guidance for humanity. The celebrations for Eid ul Adha last for three days. This year, the tentative Eid holidays are expected from June 16th to June 19th, 2024.

Eid ul Adha: The Sacred Festival of Devotion

On this spacious occasion of a sacred festival of devotion after the Hajj, the sacrifice is offered to Allah almighty as an animal. This shows that Hazrat Ibrahim was willing to sacrifice his beloved son, Prophet Ismail (A.S). Still, Allah was pleased and replaced Ismail (A.S) with a lamb, and this is how it became a permanent obligation to sacrifice an animal annually on the holy dates of Dhul-Hijjah . This beautiful event is mentioned in the Quran – Surah As-Saffat (37:102).

Every year, Muslims across the globe on 10th Dhul-Hijjah slaughter a lamb, sheep, goat, or camel to honor the sacrifice carried out by Prophet Ibrahim (A.S).

“Allah has given you better than those feasts (festivals of non-believers): the ‘Eid-ul-Adha’ and ‘Eid-ul-Fitr.'”

(An-Nasai: 1556)

The Significance of Eid ul Adha: Celebration & Inspiring Message

The precious Eid ul Adha occasion is not merely a religious event, but it brings in uncountable blessings in the form of love, peace, prosperity, kindness, gratitude, and fulfilling contentment feelings for all. Allah almighty on this day, and connection with it evolves today and tomorrow by all means. 

Eid ul Adha gives us the feeling of celebration and gratitude. On this blessed occasion, our sacrifices symbolize our gratitude to Allah. The sacrifice is not just to be offered for appreciation and social interaction but also as a form of prayer to receive acceptance and have our sins washed away with our offering. 

This Eid strengthens our bond of love, unity, equality, and friendship. We communicate with our loved ones and share happiness. This Eid also strengthens our faith in Allah and deepens our spirit of sacrifice and devotion. 

The true essence of Bakra Eid is embracing the celebration of togetherness and giving away beautiful moments of laughter and love. It guides us to honor the spirit of sacrifice and also helps those around us.

Selecting Your Eid Animal: A Guide for Bakra Eid

“Neither their flesh reaches Allah nor their blood; it is your piety that reaches Him”

The part and participle of the Eid ul Adha is the selection of the right animal for the sacrifice as it is not only a religious obligation to slaughter the animal, but it defines the intentions because Allah al-mighty sees the devotion, supplication, and efforts in completing the sacrifice.

The animal’s health, age, physical condition, ethical sources traced by the breeder, cost considerations, and community support all contribute to striving for the best chance of getting the best animal. Keeping in mind the following factors will help purchase the best defect-free animal that will reflect quality sacrifice done ethically.

Eid ul Adha 2024: Important Dates and Traditions

Eid ul Adha is important as this festivity aligns with the 5th pillar of Islam, which follows the dates in the lunar calendar of Islam. Some of the particular holy key festivities further associated are as follows. 

  • Day of Arafah: This day falls on the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah, the day before Eid ul Adha. It is a day of fasting and prayers commemorating Prophet Muhammad’s final sermon. 
  • Eid ul Adha is celebrated on the 10th of the Dhul-Hijjah and lasts three days. 
  • Sacrificial Offering: The primary focus of sacrifice is distributing the meat of sacrifice amongst the needy, neighbors, and family. 
  • Prayer: The congregation offers Eid ul Adha prayers, followed by a Khutbah. The sole ideology behind this is to seek blessings and show gratitude to Allah. 
  • Charity and Giving: The concept of Bakra Eid is to encourage sharing, love, and generosity. It is achieved by providing the less fortunate by participating in the celebrations.
  • Family Gathering: One of the best reasons is that this festivity brings loved ones closer and connects them firmly. Due to the blessings of this great holy event, each Muslim individual bonds with loved ones emotionally and spiritually.

The Story of Eid ul Adha: A Tale of Faith and Sacrifice

This tale is about the gesture of profound love for Allah al Mighty, keeping steadfast faith in his commands. We can easily understand the message given by this narrative that Allah tested Ibrahim (A.S) by asking him to sacrifice the most precious son for the sake of Allah’s command. 

Hazrat Ibrahim fulfilled the command with significant absolute faith and eventually achieved the spiritual goals. This Eid ul Adha reminds us to be compassionate and charitable for the entire community.

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